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Changed Lives lead to a Changed Community


What We Do

At Mercy Road Recovery Center, our mission is to provide a faith-based place of recovery from addiction and life controlling problems, empowering positively changed lives.

We believe changed lives will lead to a changed community. 

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How We Help Recovering Addicts

Addiction is complex and requires a long-term commitment. Once you're finished removing the source of the addiction from your life, it's hard for many to get back to a sense of normalcy while still surrounded by all of the triggers that could lead you back to the source. 

We provide a sense of normalcy while trying to adjust to daily life in a controlled environment. There is some freedom but also structure and mental support to get addicts back on their feet.

3 Ways You Can Help Now!

Anything helps!


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*Coming soon!


Why We Want to Help

The team at Mercy Road understands the struggle. Guests at our recovery center will be surrounded with those who have been through recovery themselves. Our mission is to promote, support, and advocate for the overall wellbeing of those in recovery from addictions.

If you're not in need of support for yourself, we also need community to make the program successful. Whether it's donating time, money or volunteering to improve our facility, anything helps. Your support helps us sustain our mission to restore the lives of those suffering from addiction.

"With a promise every day
I know that You are with me, 
stepping out of darkness into glory."


"This is a place where I can say what is on my mind and feel at peace saying without being judged."

"It's my safe place. This is where I let out my mind and renew my mind for my days ahead! I am forever grateful for Mercy Road."

"Mercy Road is a place I find unity and love with
others who share my disease of addiction. It is a place I come to know love and hope."

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